
A simple calculator utility for Android

7.8 (271241277)
Google LLC

Calculator is a simple mobile app that performs mathematical calculations based on user input.

The easy to use app is perfect for those that want to perform pocket accounting or calculations on the go. Users appreciate the streamlined, modern user interface, which features bold lettering for vision-impaired folks.

The app can perform basic calculations, including addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. It's also possible to perform more advanced math for trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

The calculator is best for those that just want to perform simple math, since it can be tricky to input overly complicated functions. If a single screen press mistake is made, it's impossible to backspace on the application to fix the mistake.

Users appreciate the past calculation history page, which makes it easy to keep track of calculations in progress.

The calculator app is lightweight, only requiring 2.6 megabytes of space on an Android mobile device. Many Android phones the calculator built in.